
The Oregon Historic District News is published quarterly, and mailed to all residents and active members of the OHDS. If you have an article, story, or information that affects the neighborhood, please e-mail it to If you are a business or individual interested in sponsoring a newsletter, please send an email to:


Current residents are welcome to join us on Nextdoor Oregon Historic District, our private social network where neighbors are able share local recommendations, neighborhood events, crime and safety news and more! It’s a great way to engage with neighbors and stay up-to-date on all of the OHD news. Click here to join!

Important Phone Numbers

Abandoned Vehicles 333-1038
Water Billing 333-3550
Bulk Waste Pickup 333-4833
Sidewalk/Curb Repair 333-3853
Landmarks Commission 333-3673
Street Cleaning 333-4808
Police 333-COPS
Fire/Ambulance 333-3473
SE Priority Board 333-7373
Zoning Administrator 333-3887
Housing Inspection 333-3921